Local council meeting of 5th August 2024, position of the Greens
This brief local council meeting in the middle of the summer was organised by the College of Aldermen in response to the growing need for socio-educational staff. The demand for qualified people to work in childcare facilities is very high nationally. Greater flexibility in the provision of childcare services is a priority for the Réiserbann Greens, which is why we support all measures that enable parents and socio-educational staff to reconcile work and family life.
We also voted in favour of the creation of an administrative post, a promotion and a resignation among municipal staff.
The working hours of the two aldermen were also extended from 9am to 3pm. These hours have been divided between the two aldermen to enable them to carry out their numerous tasks more effectively. The Greens also supported this measure, as quality work must be thought through and carried out with care, which is also what we expect from the College of Aldermen.
First of all, the Local Council voted on a new regulation for the Municipal Merit Award in the fields of sport and culture. The old regulations from 1994 did not yet take account of voluntary work. At last, the new regulations also honour people who have been involved in voluntary work for many years with a Special Merit. These people, who are often active behind the scenes and invest a great deal of time, motivation and skill in supporting the sporting, cultural, social and humanitarian movements at Réiser, deserve recognition and respect. We were happy to vote in favour of this regulation.
There was also a small correction on the agenda concerning the regulation on the tax for the use of communal infrastructures. An addition was made to the traffic regulations to include the new electric charging points. The Greens also supported these two adjustments.