Green Position at the Municipal Council of October 7, 2024
Presentation and Adoption of the Guiding Principles of the Climate Pact 2.0: The guiding document presented to the municipal council by the new Climate Pact consultant, Mrs. Kolber, aims to implement climate-relevant activities within the framework of the Climate Pact 2.0 and document the corresponding processes. The document defines measures in areas such as sustainable mobility, protection of natural resources, water and air quality, and circular economy. Additionally, indicators are defined, or reiterated, to monitor the implementation of these measures. The focus is on transparency, information sharing, and raising public awareness for effective climate protection. This core topic has been a priority for the Greens in Réiserbann since we were founded in this municipality in 2011, and we are pleased that, after over 10 years of waiting, this topic has finally become a priority for the majority. We support the municipality in every way when it leads by example, although these measures should have been launched years ago. For example, many private homes in Réiserbann already have photovoltaic systems on their roofs, while this council is only now analyzing which communal roofs might be suitable! The guiding document, which will also be available to Réiserbann residents, is thus a tool for implementing climate protection measures, but it must be part of a comprehensive concept so that it doesn’t come across as mere marketing, but rather that people see it as sincerely intended!
We take this opportunity to thank all citizens for all their small and large gestures to protect the climate and preserve biodiversity, from planting flowers, shrubs, and trees, to installing solar panels on rooftops, or occasionally or regularly avoiding environmentally harmful modes of individual transport.
Update of the European Charter for Equality between Women and Men in Local Life: In a modern society, all people are equal; therefore, in our eyes, it is natural for a corresponding charter to be regularly reviewed and updated to stay relevant. In this area, as well as the next one, the communal pact for intercultural living together, the relevant committees are working dynamically and motivatedly to make good improvement suggestions to the council. Moreover, collaboration with the citizens works well here in Réiser. Considering the situation in the world, the mutual respect and tolerance among people here in Réiserbann is exemplary.
Multifunctional Pathway between Crauthem and Peppange: The council was finally able to purchase the last piece of land needed to build this long-awaited pedestrian and bicycle path. Unfortunately, negotiations with the property owner took a long time, and the price was also higher than expected. This connection between the localities of Crauthem and Peppange is essential, as it provides a great safety gain and an improved quality of life for Réiserbann. It is also another piece of the puzzle toward a future comprehensive concept for sustainable mobility within the municipality.
You can find the summary of our oral questions (and answers) in the session report on the previous pages, or also in the original wording in the video of the municipal council meeting.