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Green Party Position on the Municipal Council of November 11, 2024

Presentation of the “Development Plan for the Municipal Property of Roeser 2025-2034” and the Annual Management Plan for the Forests of Roeser

This document outlines a long-term plan for the forests in our municipality, based on an inventory of trees conducted by the Nature and Forestry Administration. The forests (271 hectares) have been divided into sections where mainly the same types of trees grow. Different age classes were also taken into account. Oaks are the most prevalent and oldest species in our forests, followed by beeches, spruces, and pines. The study also examined which type of tree grows best in which type of soil.

Due to climate change and its associated weather extremes, spruces, for example, have been massively affected by bark beetles and are dying. Tree felling is focused mainly on dying trees and is subject to strict regulations. This prevents clear-cutting, which is important to us Greens; instead, individual trees are removed. This allows small and young trees to receive more light and space to grow. Replanting avoids monocultures, as mixed cultures are more resistant to pests.

There are three important reasons for taking good care of the forests: ecological reasons, such as carbon storage and preserving biodiversity; their role as important recreational areas; and an economic aspect through timber sales.

Our party is sometimes accused of dramatizing climate change and being overly alarmist about natural disasters. However, this document, written by independent specialists, describes the dramatic impacts climate change is already having on our forests.

This 10-year plan is a key document for maintaining the health of our forests as best as possible, and it received the full approval of the Green Party, as did the annual plan prepared by the responsible forester, Mr. D’Orazio, based on the “Development Plan for the Municipal Property of Roeser 2025-2034.” This plan outlines the concrete annual actions needed to achieve short-, medium-, and long-term goals. We thank him and his team for their excellent work!

Government Preliminary Project for a Regulation on a Nature Conservation Zone along the A3

This initiative by the government aims to implement compensation measures required by the expansion of the railway line and the highway to three lanes. Among other measures, a 50-meter-long wildlife bridge is planned. The state has acquired land for this purpose, but private plots are also affected. Farmers will no longer be allowed to use pesticides or fertilizers in this area.

It is unfortunate that some private owners were informed of this late and had little opportunity to express their views. Nevertheless, this is an important measure for nature conservation, and the Greens fully support it.

Installation of Two Bicycle Washing Stations in Crauthem (near the tennis courts) and in Berchem (at Méckenheck)

The Greens welcome and support any measure or investment that promotes sustainable mobility. The municipality is installing stations in two locations where bicycles can be cleaned and minor repairs carried out. This makes daily use of bicycles easier, especially for those living in apartment buildings.

We asked who will handle the maintenance of these stations and whether they will operate using tokens. It is also important that valuable water is not wasted at such facilities. We voted in favor of this initiative.